Why You Should Think Twice Before Programming a Native App For eCommerce

Why You Should Think Twice Before Programming a Native App For eCommerce


2 min read

Sometimes as a business owner or a programmer, you can fall in love with your own idea so much that you assume others will feel the same way. Unfortunately, the more philosophically attached to it the person is (e.g. programmers), the more likely they will think something along the lines of "sure, why wouldn't they download my app".

How often in your life are you (hopefully not) driving down the road when a business wants you to install their app to see their specials and that alone is the determination in choosing somewhere simpler to go. Nobody wants to search, download, install, open, sign up, be kicked out to re-login, log in, then be shown directions all to see a promotion. In my case, I wanted to have people upload using their camera and then to have a GUI in which the user can navigate and process the photos. However, I saw what I just mentioned as a huge sales block. On one hand, it will make the experience easier, and, on the other hand, it will put what many call "friction" in place. Friction is anything that impedes a sale. Pulling out and counting cash versus simply swiping a credit card is an example of friction. So is not having to sign for your swipe.

Therefore, in this case, it may be beneficial to use a fully reactive webpage that has similar features and is not as well tied to your phone and allow the user to, say, bring up their own photos, than to download a program that doesn it automatically.

To finish this off, I just want to point out the Ruth Goldberg machine. The machine is overly complex for the sake of it. Just because something is cool and you have an idea of how to do it doesn't make it worthwhile in the context of your business. On your own though, as a hobby, absolutely cool. If you have any doubts as to how customers feel about apps, simply look at the apps that make money (thus people use) and you'll see most people deal with less than apps total.

Last word: I wish full-stack encompassed everything from forming a business and managing teams to building and programming your own cloud servers. The Master of All Trades is the future of jobs as AI makes the individual multiples of power more productive. Creativity will be equity in the future, and for that reason, some will try and stop it and others will try and control it. Creativity, not brute strength or force, will be the main way to flourish outside of government.